Sunday 24 April 2016

When enough is enough

I got chatting to a guy on Tinder a couple of months ago. Really nice guy, lots to chat about. We had a few great dates, some good sex and then...... that was pretty much it. We've kept in touch, tried to make dates but but they never happened. The flakiness was always on his end. I have a busy schedule with work but I'm a big believer that if you want to see someone you make the time. You just do.

So the question is, when is enough enough? When is the right time to draw a line under something and stop wasting each others time? When do you stop listening to excuses and accept that he's just not that into it?

Situations like this always make me second guess myself. Am I being to demanding? Expecting too much? Or am I just being strung along like a fool?

Some guys are clever about it though. They know what to say to keep you dangling, what to say to make you feel like you're asking for too much. This guy is like that, we haven't seen each other in over a month but he'll still text me pretty much every day. There's always the promise of him being in the city by the weekend, but inevitably something will happen. Then he'll somehow manage to talk me out of having a problem with it. It's fucking brain bending ninja voodoo Vulcan mind games. But I generally don't have the balls to just walk away. I'll put up with it, and put up with it,until he's the one who walks away.

How do you convince yourself that you're worth more when you don't really believe that you are? How can you expect someone else to believe that you're worth more when you don't yourself?

It's something I walked away from tonight, but I know it's only a matter of time before I'm in that situation again. It has gotten to the point where I just don't see myself as an attractive person, or sexy, or worthy of effort. And maybe that's something I need to stop blaming men for and start blaming myself.

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