Saturday 2 April 2016

The 'I'd never ghost you' ghoster

Ghosting is a modern phenomenon that I feel should be heavily punishable. Nothing gives you an insight into a person's true personality quicker than their inability to just be fucking honest.

I hate ghosting. I think it's a cruel thing to do to someone. It's a way to sneakily get what you want from someone knowing very well that you plan to disappear into the night without so much as a courtesy text. When it comes to dating I value honesty above all else. Let me know where I stand and I'll be happy. Do not leave me hanging on a line, perhaps dangling the occasional carrot. Do not sit I'm front of me and earnestly tell me 'I'd never ghost you' only to start the ghostly almost immediately after the hook up. I will never respect that.

But it's a trap we all fall into from time to time. Of course we do! We like to see the good in people, in life! If we were to be so cynical of every person we met we'd all be very miserable indeed. What gets me the most is the assumption that I won't just accept honesty. After a few dates, perhaps a night together, I'm not expecting grand gestures. But I do expect a bit of decency. I don't like to be filled full of lies and false hope. Be honest. Let me make my own decisions based on how we both actually feel.

I recently found myself a ghoster. An apparently nice guy, very handsome, very charming. So of course the little voices in my head were telling me that I was punching above my weight. But he seemed very genuinely interested in everything I have to offer. He made me feel sexy. He made me feel attractive. We got on very well, I thought we had chemistry. We had several dates, and spent the night together. A wonderful night by any standards. And where is he now? Who the fuck knows?

I hate ghosters because they make me question my own judgement. How did I not see it coming?  Did I see it coming and subconsciously choose to ignore it because bad attention is better than no attention at all? I hate having to question myself! I hate ghosters because they are liars, they're sly, they're cowardly. I hate the fact that I'm so fucking bothered by every single one of them!

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